Saturday, June 12, 2010

A choice to make a difference

So here I am. Finally in Peru. It has been a long night of travel, and we still have the day ahead before we arrive this evening at John´s home for training. We landed here in Lima at 6am after a long, restless 6 hour flight from Mexico City. Now with some breakfast in my belly, I´m still sleepy but ready to face the day. I got 3 hours of rest on the plane so hopefully there will be a couple more hours of sleep for me sometime today.

My mind is so restless thinking of all that lies ahead, and I find myself in constant prayer as I wonder what God has in store for us. I finished reading Crazy Love on the flight from DFW to Mexico City. The whole ninth chapter is filled with stories of people who lived their lives sold out to the Lord and in turn changed lives & impacted the world for Christ. It reminded me of what God has been teaching me through my readings of Genesis, Luke, & Acts. All the people in the Bible from the beginning of creation to the birth of Christ to the crucifixion & resurrection to the beginnning of the early Church and all the way to now - all the people from then until now have had a choice...a choice to love Christ or reject Him, a choice to live for Christ or fulfill self-indulgent pleasures, a choice to make an eternal difference or be consumed with this life. Some people chose to follow where God led them & glorified the Lord with the time they were given while others were consumed with their own selfish ambition & faded into the empty pages of history where they will never be known again. Our time on this earth is short. Think back to Genesis and where your life falls in the grand scheme of things. Your life is but a fleeting breath, a vapor in the wind that is here & then gone. I want to use my fleeting breath to praise the Lord and be soley devoted to all He has to me!

I awoke in the early hours of the morning to a dark, quiet plane very dimmly lit by the flickering lights of television screens. The cabin lay still and silent as many of the passengers drifted in & out of sleep. As I sat in the darkness I began to feel reality set in - I will spend the rest of my summer sharing the love of Christ with people who don´t know Jesus. How awesome!! This is what God has called me to - nothing more, nothing less, nothing different. And there is nowhere else I would rather be than in God´s will doing God´s work.

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