Sunday, October 17, 2010

A heart to help the sick & share the Hope

I can hardly believe fall semester is already halfway over. Nursing school has been quite the whirlwind. I could say I've loved every minute of it, but the constant studying does get tiring after a while. Other than that, I have been absolutely ecstatic about all I have gotten to do and learn! Clinicals are challenging and exciting, full of new expreiences and trying to balance all my responsibilities as a nurse. I have gotten to put my knowledge into practice and aquire knowledge of things they don't teach you in class. The best part about it all is caring for the patients. Each week I try to convey Christ through my nursing care, nurturing love, and encouraging words. I thank the Lord each day for the blessing He has given me to intersect my life with the lives of my patients. Anxiety was high as I thought about my first clinical semester of nursing school, but God has been faithful to carry me through everything.

Inevitably when I get the chance to care for my patients, my heart longs for the day that I can care for the sick & dying of third world countries who have no one to treat them. They have no hospital, no clinic, no medical help. Instead, they lie in filth and dirt wasting away with no idea or means of what to do to ease the pain and stop the illness. The malnourished children, the AIDS victims, the pregnant & scared young girls, the poor lives infected with preventable & treatable diseases - all they need is someone to help them, to care for them, to teach them, to be by their side, to share hope, to show them a better life. That is what God has called me to, and my heart jumps with anticipation for the day I can finally fulfill that. I have been prayfully seeking out direction from God of where to serve this summer. It would be greatly appreciated if you would join me in asking the Lord to open up opportunities to serve the rural, third world population who desperately need medical care and, more importantly, desperately need to know the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Kelsey,

    I am so excited to see how the Lord has burdened your heart for his children. By His strength you are growing into a woman of His character with the knowledge to provide temporary healing, while leading them to the ultimate Healer. Love you and am praying for you as you continue to seek out the Lord's direction through life.
